Monday, June 17, 2013

Life Vent

I am pretty sure I've had the worst week, ever. Lets start from the beginning... Last Saturday Firas' sister asked us to babysit. Of course we said yes, it's always fun spending time with our niece. As we come to find out, she is sick. She goes to daycare and children that go to daycare are little Petri dishes filled with disease. No joke. So we babysat and everything went fine. By Monday things were still fine, just feeling tired as usual. Then Tuesday comes around... I am sick. My body aches, head hurts, ears hurt, throat hurts, the whole nine. By Wednesday I started to feel just a smidge better. So exciting, I was getting better already! And now it's Thursday and my sickness is worse. I feel like shit but on top of it my face is congested. My sinuses are killing me. This continues through the weekend. Where I don't want to do anything, just sleep in my bed. Eating is terrible. I start to get a cough, even better. My mucus is green and also comes out of my eyeballs. I do a sinus rinse last night in hopes of some relief. Well my sinuses aren't that congested anymore BUT now I have the worst toothache of my life. I googled it and its caused by my inflamed sinuses. WTF?! WHY?! Why did we ever agree to babysit?!

This entire last week has been the worst. Jesus. I never want to babysit again. 

Vent over.