Monday, December 31, 2012

Past, present and future

The turn of another glorious year is a time to reflect on the past year, see where we've ended up now and plan out our goals for the next. We literally made 2012 our bitch and it was one of the best years we have had. For a majority of our relationship, Firas and I have been a bit... Lost? We just have been literally chillaxing and trying out new life avenues. Though this year, we have finally decided on put life path together. It's exhilarating, scary and the most awesome thing we'll ever do. It allows us to do what we want to do everyday for the rest of our lives. We have our vision planned out and were making moves, big ones.

At some point, everyone will feel this kind of clarity. You have to. If you don't, you're missing out out on so much. Allow yourself to feel it. Let go of the anxiety and the weariness of life. Embrace the energy around you and know you have the power to create any life you choose.

My 2013 resolution is to learn how to love Sundays.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Translation of vibration

Being able to see the miniature transparent crevices of your own brain and thoughts. Floating in soft wavy circles high above a rental car. Through sugar smoke stacks and hints of salt. Remembering our attire. I fade into the sky and earth but everything is so clear. The clarity is overwhelming. Not just of this moment but of my entire life. At peace. So much sense is made. Though my thoughts are in a earth sized ball of rubber bands, calmness and understanding is abundant. Small and big.

I miss Maui like crazy. The beach bumming, boogie boarding, sitting in our ridiculously comfortable beach chains in the sunshine, parasailing above Maui, midnight smoke seshes on the beach by ourselves, fish market sandwiches, sweetness in the air, incredible feelings all day. We'll be back Maui.

Hooray for Initiative 502 passing!