Thursday, February 28, 2013

Heaven is a place on earth with you

Spring is almost here and so many things have changed in literally the last 3 days. Our dearest Tommy passed away on Monday. I was in Arizona visiting my Oma when Firas called me on Saturday and told me that Tommy looked sick. Of course I told him to take Tommy to the vet. They ran blood work and did x-rays, the vet said Tommy had a mass in his chest and it was probably cancer. That was a lot to take in while being away by itself. During my layover in LA, I walked my fatass to In-n-Out. While I was there Firas text me saying 'where should I take Tommy?' I automatically knew something was wrong. I called him with no answer. I finally talked to him right as the plane was about to take off for a minute, I knew Tommy had passed without Firas having to say anything. Everyone is still devastated. Anyone who knew Tommy knew how amazing of a dog he was. He was such a sweetheart and loved everybody. He used to be quite hefty in his younger years and he lost a ton of weight. He ate chapsticks that were left unattended as well a entire stuffed animals. He loved any type of food. He also loved Leo like a little baby brother. We could take Tommy anywhere because he was so good. Everyone is going to miss you so much. You can never be replaced. We know you're in a better place filled with Big Macs and chapsticks. We'll see you again Tommy, I promise.