Sunday, October 21, 2012


“The winds that sometimes take something we love, are the same that bring us something we learn to love. Therefore we should not cry about something that was taken from us, but, yes, love what we have been given. Because what is really ours is never gone forever.”
― Bob Marley

Amen Bob Marley!

Besides everything physical we can see and touch, there is so much more out there. So many spiritual, mental and emotional experiences that can change you forever. Like the post title says, Metanoia. I first came along this term while listening to the song actually called Metanoia by MGMT. The song is very psychedelic sounding with some words but many that don't make obvious sense. It really sounds amazing. Metanoia is defined a few different ways; the Greek say its part of repentance while others say that it is the complete disassembly of your mind and conscious then reassembling it in a positive way. I feel like part of me has gone through this transformation in the last 6 months, deconstructing my thoughts and coming at them in a more positive different way. It has no doubt made me a happier person. Of course I still have a shitty day here and there but so much of life is perspective.

Moving on to the lighter stuff... Halloween is Wednesday but we partied already. I was a dark angel and Firas was Blake from Workaholics. We went out, got crazy and enjoyed ourselves very much. Maui is exactly 1 month from today and I am bouncing off the walls excited!

Though I don't know exactly what career path I want to take since I feel like I was born to be a wife and mother, I'm enjoying my time in between. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nature and little wonders

Nature is so beautiful. It's the natural background in our lives. We overlook a lot of simply beautiful things because we live too quickly. I feel so fortunate to have ample time on my hands to explore my life and the things around me since I don't work a regular job. I feel like that factors into a lot of my happiness, living simply or simply living... I'm happy with either. With our upcoming Maui trip approaching fast, I can't help but daydream about all the beautiful things there. The palm trees, clean water, beaches, fresh tropical fruit, delicious Hawaiian cuisine. Neither Firas or I have been to Hawaii so everything will be new to us. My dad has given me a few tips since he lived on Oahu for a bit growing up. I've traveled a little bit but this will be our first big trip together. Everyone keeps asking 'why didn't you go to Oahu? Maui is so boring and there's no nightlife.' Well maybe because we're not going there for the nightlife. Maui is much more relaxed with more nature around. We're looking to unwind, hike, bike, parasail, boogie board and snorkel. Not get wasted at the club.

Firas and I came to the conclusion that we enjoy spending so much time together and have the most fun ever because we're best friends. We never get tired of each other and everything we do together is an adventure. Which is why Maui is going to be golden.

Picture below from this morning on my way to Bellingham to pick Kenna up. :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Deathly afraid of death

Lets start off from the beginning. My parents are divorced. I chose to live with my dad since he was always there for my brother and I growing up. He's literally the best father in the world. My mom, well that's another story. Regardless, I am very close to all of my grandparents. My dad's parents basically raised my brother and I while my dad worked. My mom's parents also live right behind us, so we saw them continually. To this day, I see all of my grandparents multiple times a week. I give my Japanese grandma weekly manicures and train my Oma at the gym. This is the life I love. Most people have a group of friends they hang out with but I hang with the OGs. I have a few friends that I've known for years that I consider family but that's pretty much it. I don't miss people my age. There is so much to learn from our elders, so much joy we can give them and so much love between family. I am unsure how I will ever handle losing a loved one. I have never had to deal with it before. Many people come to the conclusion that they are in a better place-- which is probably true. Heaven and hell are not exactly real places to me. I was not raised religiously so I have an open mind. Death isn't something we should be afraid of. It's a natural process that happens to every living thing. Even at that, I am having the hardest time wrapping my head around it.

This week:

Pumpkin patch, Salmon fishing, Sounders game and my dear lover Kenna comes home for a few days. I cannot wait. :)

Monday, October 8, 2012


I'm not talking about the 'USDA certified organic' fad, but the real stuff.
People seem to forget life's little blessings. Especially the most organic blessings of them all, life. Being in tune with your body really promotes lifelong happiness. Taking a few moments everyday to reflect on how you feel emotionally and physically can give you an idea about what is going on inside
of your life. Being mentally sound is the most important aspect of life. In theory there is never a reason to feel angry. There are always reasons for things happening and you must understand those reasons in order to move past the anger. Unfortunately that is a very hard concept to understand. I like to look at it from farther away. Remember how small we are from a distance, then move farther and farther out, you then realize how insignificant those issues are. How many opportunities and adventures lie out there. Eventually it will all come full circle for a few split seconds and you will really feel life like it is meant to be felt.

Album of the week... Or maybe month:

Aquatic Reverie - Blue Sky Black Death