Monday, November 12, 2012

Love tank

Everyone has a love tank. It's made up of your expectations, desires and necessities. Having it filled daily with these things are what makes you happy and content in a relationship. Most people who are unhappy are not getting their love tank filled. People who do not get it filled go out looking for more satisfaction elsewhere. Probably why some people cheat. It's a simple principle to follow but maybe sometimes your expectations are simply impossible to meet. Everyone's levels are different and obviously people mesh in different ways but if there's an open line of communication about filling your love tank, it makes it that much easier.

Fortunately for Firas and I, we fill each others love tanks daily. It's a really awesome feeling. Even after almost 6 years together, we're the very best friends. We're closer than we've ever been and its amazing. Highly recommend opening a line of communication with your SO if things are rocky.

The Secret -- for those of you who have read the books or watched the movie, kudos to you. When Firas started watching it I was a skeptic. I mean, it's a really inspirational idea that a lot of people can turn their lives around with but I didn't really believe in the vision of things. Until it started happening! It would be small things that I would have little thoughts about and twice in last 2 days, it's happened. Kind of creeped me out but then I remembered that the universe gives back what you give it. It has literally changed my life.

I'm finally living the life that I've always wanted to live. Thanksgiving a few days ago reminded me of how many things in my life I am thankful for. I told every one of my family members why I was thankful for them. Appreciation is a really good feeling to give someone.

Hooooray for Maui on Wednesday. :D

Monday, November 5, 2012


It's been a while since I cried a lot. My Grandparents bought Sam for my brother and I about 13 years ago. He was just a tiny little poodle puppy. The last 2 poodles my Grandparents had were both named Sam so naturally, he was named Sam too. We have had our share of vacations with him and taking him places. He was a really good dog, minus the crazy barking whenever anyone would walk by the outside window. He loved spaghetti more than any other food, he would always have a spaghetti mustache after dinner. He loved to play fetch with his rope and sit next to Grandpa all day. It's my first encounter with death so close to me. And I'm sad, really sad. It was very much his time to go but I wasn't ready. I don't think anyone was. Especially my Grandparents because he was their BFF. Just seeing him lifeless broke my heart. But now he's in heaven because all dogs go to heaven. He's up there partying and eating spaghetti everyday. We love and miss you Sam. RIP under the apple tree, I'll think of you everyday.